Credit card charge is NOT a scam!

Did you get a charge from Bitnetix on your credit card?  If so, it was most likely from this past Saturday's RIT Women's Council Annual Glass Pumpkin Sale.  Unfortunately, one of the credit card readers that we used was not functioning and we had to switch at the last minute.  As a result, Bitnetix (the company that first brought credit card sales to the pumpkin sale four years ago) had to use their own account instead of the Women's Council of RIT account.

This means that you will see a charge from Bitnetix Technology Consulting on your credit card bill.  THIS IS NOT A SCAM!  This is your glass pumpkin sale purchase!

If you have any questions, please contact Bitnetix's CEO directly at 877.248.6384, extension 3100 and he will be happy to explain further.