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Bitnetix on Stuxnet

No matter how juvenile DEAD F007 sounds, “Stuxnet is far from a kid-hacker attack.”  Once more, Bitnetix is quoted in the news on the Stuxnet virus.  You can read the article at this link.

Bitnetix Tells Congress What To Do

Despite being a technology consulting company, we do not believe that technology should be forced upon people.  “Protecting [broadcasters’] turf is one thing, but seeking a mandate is something else,” says our President in an article on the Heartland Institute’s web site.  Congress is considering mandating that smartphones have both an embedded FM receiver and a DTV chip in them. … Read More »Bitnetix Tells Congress What To Do

Bitnetix on

Bitnetix is in the news again.  This time being quoted in the number seven slot in the 40 Small Businesses and the Online Tools They Can’t Live Without article at