Company News

News about us.

Colorado Legislators Push FCC for “Local” TV

Bitnetix is quoted in the Heartland Institute’s article about pending legislation to force Denver-based broadcasters to provide service 400 miles away in the four-corners area, even though those counties are closer to other markets.

Bitnetix on Stuxnet

No matter how juvenile DEAD F007 sounds, “Stuxnet is far from a kid-hacker attack.”  Once more, Bitnetix is quoted in the news on the Stuxnet virus.  You can read the article at this link.

Bitnetix Tells Congress What To Do

Despite being a technology consulting company, we do not believe that technology should be forced upon people.  “Protecting [broadcasters’] turf is one thing, but seeking a mandate is something else,” says our President in an article on the Heartland Institute’s web site.  Congress is considering mandating that smartphones have both an embedded FM receiver and a DTV chip in them. … Read More »Bitnetix Tells Congress What To Do